Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Burried Baubles?! Yes, please!!

I recently stumbled across BaubleBar, a site that I see friends of mine have liked or followed across social media. Since I am an accessory fan addict I thought what the hell - let's see what they have! It is a wide variety of simple and statement pieces that are mostly trendy in style. They have three color tones gold, rose gold and silver and depending on the piece different finishes smooth, shiny or matte. The prices are a little high for some of the pieces (for me) and on point for others. I am pretty picky about how much I will spend on "fun" (fashion) jewelry. A lot of the pieces are a bit much, too much statement for me, but they are still pretty and very on point in terms of the current trends. I prefer their more simple pieces, but I am unsure if I would pay full price for those items. 

Then I made a phenomenal discovery! They have a bit they run on Friday's and Monday's (I believe) called "the buried bauble". Basically you "hunt" through the necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings to find the buried bauble - a treasure hunt if you will. These items are on sale that day for $10 or $20. SCORE! Mama loves a good deal! On the hunt I found a few pieces that I liked and spent only $10 per item. Who couldn't get behind that - ESPECIALLY since U.S. shipping is always free - what, WHAT?! FREE! Be still my beating heart - no limits, no requirements - just straight up free! SOLD! Notably they seem to also have good sales - I purchased the earrings on sale vs. the buried bauble method. They have a couple of pieces right now that it is taking wild horses (aka: my husband) to hold me back from grabbing as well! :)

The packaging is awesome! The box is easy to open - no scissors, pull tab - love it. Everything is wrapped very snugly in little bags, then in bubble wrap (yes, I annoyed my husband for a good 5 minutes just *pop-pop-popping* away!) and then in tissue paper. All this wrap is good to save for gifting, swap sites and mailing anything at all. Reuse, recycle you will feel good about it - I promise :)

The necklaces are more my speed - simple and go with everything for my current day-to-day life. I admit the gold tag is my favorite because it is the longest and easy to layer with other pieces I already have. A girl's gotta layer! Looking at these pics I realize that I really did go plain-Jane with the pieces I selected. I may try to do something a little more bold next time - that usually falls into the $20 range for the buried bauble, I believe.

The earrings were my attempt at something "trendy" for only $10 - these are the 360 stud style where the backing is larger and part of the "earring". I like them, surprisingly; my husband hates them, not surprisingly. It was something fun and very different for me, glad I picked them up. 

I am not sure how long the pieces will wear - i.e. when the finish starts wearing away, but they do remind you to keep them away from moisture and to not wear them every day in order to prolong their life. For $10 I am not worried about it, but if you buy one of the more expensive full priced pieces I would definitely be more careful. It is nice that they give you little baggies to store/transport your jewelry - very handy!

Are they the final say in fashion jewelry? Not sure about that. Do they have a voice for a specific audience - absolutely! I think a lot of pieces would be fun presents for friends, bridesmaids or anyone you know between the ages of 15 and 150 in your life that loves shiny things. I believe there really is something for every taste/style preference on this site.

 I will regularly pop in on a Friday or a Monday to see if my $10 is theirs or mine to keep - that is a gamble I can afford!

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