Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Influenster Wellness Voxbox

I was happily surprised to receive another VoxBox from Influenster last month! There is nothing more exciting than receiving a box filled with free goodies at your doorstop. Life around my house has been true madness and I haven't blogged in forever since time seems to just escape me completely. Sitting down to really think through reviews, write them, edit them and then have someone else read and edit takes way more time than I ever thought possible! Trying to get dinner on the table so I am posting this without an extra read through - scary - so I apologize for any typos!! It would be so much easier to just say I love everything, but I really like to try things out and see if they are actually worth repurchasing.

So let's check out the breakdown of the goodies (I have included links to all the product pages as well):

Olay Active Botanicals Refreshing Gel Cleanser - I am always hesitant on trying new cleansers because my skin is so sensitive and can easily react. Olay is a respected brand, so I was willing to give it a chance. The bottle touts the cleanser to be formulated with "Snow Mushroom" - really? I feel like all of these companies go in search of fun plant names so they can try to ooooo and ahhhhhh us into buying them for the natural properties. I have no idea if snow mushrooms are a magical answer, but according to a little research this particular fungus is used in China & Japan for its anti-aging properties. I do not see any immediate changes in my skin, nor would I expect to. I don't have a ton of fine lines, yet, so I would assume if I used it for awhile I would be a better judge of its effectiveness. It also supposedly helps the skin retain moisture, but since I use a moisturizer aside from this I don't know how effective it is alone. There is little to no scent - which is MUCH appreciated!
Verdict: Either way it is a cleanser, it cleanses. My skin had no reactions that I noticed and it felt soft and clean, with no weird residue like some cleansers can leave. I recommend it if you have normal or sensitive skin.  

Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer - Jergens has been a family favorite for a long time - I think I will always be a fan of the original cherry-almond scent! It reminds me of my dad - he always kept a bottle in the kitchen and would lotion his hands each day. He always knew the best things to use from kitchens to cars and some things never change! 

This particular lotion is different though... and I have to say it weirds me out a little bit. The idea of applying while my skin is still wet is just odd. I don't like the scent at all - too floral - this is the Monoi Oil scent. It is heavy and lingering. It sticks to my towel and competes with my perfume. For that reason I would never re-purchase it. If you don't wear perfume then it shouldn't bother you. I believe there is a coconut one which I would rather try since I love coconut and think it would be great for summer. If it is as strong as this one, then I would wear it in lieu of perfume. The process is odd as it is not natural for me to stand soaking wet slathering on lotion and THEN toweling off.  It is easy to forget since I have been showering and getting ready for a few decades. It would be possible to retrain myself - for the right scent that is. My skin feels SERIOUSLY soft and VERY moisturized! It does what it advertises, but in an odd way. I am also not sure it takes me any less time to put this on vs. other lotion - it just happens in a different order. I was absolutely washing my towels more frequently since the scent was overpowering. I have a super smeller, aromas that bother me are extreme compared to other people. 

Verdict: Yes, extremely moisturizing, easy to use - if in an odd and out of process way for me, Monoi Oil STINKS! Ack! But I don't like floral scents in general, so take that with a grain of salt. I say it is worth a shot for another scent. Coconut is my jam, so I may try that one instead!

Attitude Hair Care - Made in Canada! I don't think I have ever seen that on a product I have purchased. Canadians are so sweet and nice - clearly they have to make something good. Right?! Right!! This is a nice shampoo. It is totally clear, I don't think I have used a shampoo that didn't have some color to it before so this was interesting. I was worried that it wouldn't lather well since I have found a lot of the paraben-free soap products to not lather enough, but this had no issue lathering up. Little to no scent - MUCH appreciated! I have A LOT of hair - a mane, if you will - so this perspective may be different than some people, but I seemed to use more of this than regular shampoo to get it throughout my locks. This isn't necessarily bad, jut means I will go through it faster. I like that they say their motivation is providing safe, toxin free products for the well being of everyone. They talk a good game and this chicky is buying it!

Verdict: Good shampoo. Good company. Good Motivation. Trying something new and pick it up the next time you are in Target.

Attitude Dishwashing Liquid - Oh Canada - I love you! Apple Basil dish detergent?! Yes - YESSSS!! Apple is my favorite scent in my kitchen. I buy it regularly! Now they want to combine that with non-toxic ingredients so I can wash my dishes without worrying about WHAT I am washing them with - YES! 

Verdict:  Clean your dishes with confidence! The scent is awesome, the toxin-free detergent will make you and your dishes happy!

Colgate Enamel Health Mouthwash - My husband is obsessed with mouthwash. He loves the stuff! It figures into his routine a couple of times a day. Maybe this is one of the reasons the dentist says he has the Cadillac of teeth! Haha! I on the other hand do not use it but so often as it immediately precedes coffee and I have to have loyalties in life and pretty much everything fails when placed next to coffee. This is alcohol free and indicates that it helps to fight cavities. I haven't had a cavity in over a decade and my husband has only had 2 in over two decades. So we are pretty lucky on the cavity front. So basically does it taste good and does it freshen breath?? It's mouthwash - of course it does! Haha! 

Verdict: It's mouthwash - it is pretty straightforward, minty, strong and good for a kissable mouth! Two thumbs up for kissable mouths - Colgate can help you get there!

Urgent RX Ache and Pain Relief To-Go - I am a big fan of products like this. I used one like it many years ago, thanks to a friend, and it was very helpful! I haven't been able to find it in awhile so I am guessing it was discontinued. I don't often use medication like this, I try to limit my intake for only desperate times/measures, so I have not had an opportunity to use it. However, I am happy that it is small and easily kept in my wallet for any emergency when I may need it. I don't look forward to using it since that means I will be all ouchy and stuff, but I am grateful to have something within reach that will hopefully fast acting and easy to use in any situation!

Verdict: TBD... However, I see on their website they have several varieties so I think I may try the allergy version or the upset stomach (I have the weakest stomach of life!!) since those are more likely things I would use a little more often instead of pain reliever. 

Yaye: Group Fitness Motivation and Connection - I did not download this app and test it out. I feel like there are already so many fitness apps out there that connect people already. I have two on my phone and, in all fairness, I don't use those as often as I should so trying another one is just not something I have time for or interest in. 

Here is an overview - per their website: 

"It’s getting harder to be active these days. You’re busy and it’s not so easy to exercise as much as you’d like. You wish you had the motivation, the energy to get moving.
Maybe if you were meeting your sister or your best friend you’d make it to the gym. You wouldn’t want to let them down. And it’s way more fun when you’re together.
Your sister can’t always be there with you. And your best friend might live on the other side of the country. But you can still get moving with them. And benefit from their energy, motivation and fun.
Yaye bring families and friends together to get fit and healthy, wherever, whenever."